Some systems are experiencing issues
Scheduled Maintenance
[PAR] Update of Load Balancer IP Addresses

We've updated load balancer IP addresses for applications and websites hosted on Clever Cloud. The new IP addresses now in use are:


We are going to remove 4 IPs that you must stop to use between now and August 23rd, 2024:

After this date, your applications and websites will no longer be able to use these IP addresses.

We still recommend to use CNAME DNS records when it's possible. To ensure that there is no disruption to your applications and websites, please make sure that your apex domain names are updated to point to the new IP addresses. You can update your apex domain names by editing the DNS records for your domain.


There should be no downtime for your applications or websites as a result of this change. However, if you do not update your apex domain names before August 23rd, your applications and websites may be unavailable.

What you need to do:

Review your apex domain names and ensure that they are pointing to the new IP addresses. If you are unsure how to update your apex domain names, please contact your domain registrar or Clever Cloud support.

For more information:

Please refer to the Clever Cloud documentation for more information about load balancers and DNS records: You can take a look at the changelog entry about this change:
You can also contact Clever Cloud support if you have any questions.

Past Incidents

Friday 22nd March 2024

No incidents reported

Thursday 21st March 2024

Services Logs Logs drains are down

(times in UTC)

Around 21:00, a part of the logs drains stack broke in a way that our monitoring did not see right away. It started to fill up the disk of the underlying RabbitMQ. At 21:37, We were alerted by the lack of space on RabbitMQ. We started investigating it around 22:10. At 22:57: the log drain stack is back up! However, to fix the RabbitMQ, we had to drop the pending queues. Our logs are still collected in our new logs infrastructure, but all drains lost the logs between 21:00 and 22:57.

Cellar North: Requests slowness

We are currently investigating requests slowness on the Cellar north service.

EDIT 15:52 UTC: The issue has been identified and is being worked on. Timeouts should now be very sporadic since 15:38 UTC but some timeouts may still appear. We continue working on the issue.

EDIT 17:30 UTC: The service is now stable for the past hour, we will continue to monitor it for the next few hours.

[DEV] MTL cluster unavailable

The MySQL dev add-on cluster was unreachable. This should now be fixed

Wednesday 20th March 2024

Reverse Proxies [Global] Database load balancers maintenance


  • Database Load Balancer (configuration update)

Expected Impact:

  • Brief disconnections or connection drops during the update process.
  • Potential minor performance fluctuations.

Additional Information:

  • We will deploy a patch on the load balancer that reduce memory consumption and enable more telemetry.
  • Please report any issues with a method for reproducing the problem
  • This maintenance is a direct follow up of the incident to propagate the patch

EDIT 16:25 UTC : We have patched RBX, RBXHDS and MTL regions

EDIT 16:25 UTC : We are rolling out the patch on PAR region.

EDIT 16:45 UTC: We have patched PAR region, we start the WSW region

EDIT 16:55 UTC: We have patched WSW region, we start the SYD region

EDIT 17:05 UTC: We have patched SYD region, we start the GRAHDS region

EDIT 17:05 UTC: We have patched GRAHDS region, we start the SCW region

EDIT 17:15 UTC: We have patched SCW region, we start the SGP region.

EDIT 17:35 UTC: We have patched the SGP region as well. The maintenance is over.

Tuesday 19th March 2024

No incidents reported

Monday 18th March 2024

No incidents reported

Sunday 17th March 2024

No incidents reported

Saturday 16th March 2024

No incidents reported