Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Thursday 7th October 2021

Git repositories Push error on Git repositories using HTTPS

We are currently seeing git push errors at least when using the HTTP protocol, the connection gets refused. This mostly impacts pushes from our CLI.

We are investigating the issue.

EDIT 10:00 UTC: The issue has been fixed, pushes using the HTTP protocol should now be working as intended. Pushes and clones using SSH protocol were not impacted. We'll investigate further the issue.

Wednesday 6th October 2021

Deployments Wrong Java version for some applications

Some applications have the wrong CC_JAVA_VERSION environment variable value, this may lead to unexpected deployment errors or runtime errors if the application redeploys. We are looking into it.

EDIT 18:45 UTC: CC_JAVA_VERSION should now be fixed with the right value. Impacted applications are redeploying to make sure they use the right version.

EDIT 18:58 UTC: If you changed the value of CC_JAVA_VERSION between 09:30 UTC and 18:45 UTC, the value might have been replaced with its previous version. Make sure you set it back to the right version if needed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Tuesday 5th October 2021

No incidents reported

Monday 4th October 2021

Documentation style is currently broken

Our documentation is currently broken, we are looking into it. If you have any technical questions, feel free to contact our support team in the meantime.

EDIT 14:57 UTC: The problem has been fixed, the documentation should now be fully accessible at

Sunday 3rd October 2021

No incidents reported

Saturday 2nd October 2021

No incidents reported

Friday 1st October 2021

Infrastructure Let's Encrypt root certificate expiration

A Let's Encrypt root certificate has expired yesterday. This can lead to various errors TLS error for old clients, the most common being "Certificate date is invalid".

Our Let's Encrypt certificates already provide the up-to-date Let's Encrypt chain but some older clients might not be able to trust that new chain because they don't have the new root Certificate Authority in their trustore. If you are in this situation with clients you can't update, we can sell certificates that will be trusted by those older clients. You can contact us on the support with the domains you need to protect.

You can also find more information about this expiration on Let's Encrypt website: