Some systems are experiencing issues
Scheduled Maintenance
[PAR] Update of Load Balancer IP Addresses

We've updated load balancer IP addresses for applications and websites hosted on Clever Cloud. The new IP addresses now in use are:


We are going to remove 4 IPs that you must stop to use between now and August 23rd, 2024:

After this date, your applications and websites will no longer be able to use these IP addresses.

We still recommend to use CNAME DNS records when it's possible. To ensure that there is no disruption to your applications and websites, please make sure that your apex domain names are updated to point to the new IP addresses. You can update your apex domain names by editing the DNS records for your domain.


There should be no downtime for your applications or websites as a result of this change. However, if you do not update your apex domain names before August 23rd, your applications and websites may be unavailable.

What you need to do:

Review your apex domain names and ensure that they are pointing to the new IP addresses. If you are unsure how to update your apex domain names, please contact your domain registrar or Clever Cloud support.

For more information:

Please refer to the Clever Cloud documentation for more information about load balancers and DNS records: You can take a look at the changelog entry about this change:
You can also contact Clever Cloud support if you have any questions.

Past Incidents

Tuesday 14th November 2023

Access Logs Metrics kafka cluster maintenance

We are currently scaling up our kafka cluster for metrics usage. You may not see latest datapoints

EDIT 15th of november 09:09 AM UTC: cluster has been scaled up and partitions distributed among new brokers

API API is slow

Our main API responds slowly. We are investigating to find out why.

(times in CET)

  • EDIT 11:54 - API has been redeployed and it solved the issue. We are still investigation the root cause.
  • EDIT 12:09 - API is down, we are working on it.
  • EDIT 12:23 - The API is recovering, our load balancers on Paris and Scaleway regions are down
  • EDIT 12:30 - Load balancers on Scaleway region is now operational
  • EDIT 12:33 - Load balancers on PAR region is now operational. API is now fully operational
  • EDIT 14:17 - We found and fixed a cause of the API problems. The API seems to be running fine, we may have found the root cause of the issue. We are keeping an eye on it.
API maintenance, scheduled 8 months ago

A maintenance is planned for our API, some API calls will probably not be available for a couple of minutes. This will not impact any deployed service.

The maintenance will start today November 14, 2023 at 12:00 UTC+1.

EDIT 2023-11-14 12:09 UTC+1: API is down, we report this maintenance

EDIT 2023-11-14 15:20 UTC+1: Maintenance is starting

EDIT 2023-11-14 17:10 UTC+1: Maintenance has been correctly completed

Monday 13th November 2023

Access Logs Metrics instability

We are detecting a performance issues on our new metrics storage layer. You may not see fresh datapoints. We are working on it.

EDIT Mon Nov 13 18:51:01 2023 UTC: config tuning has been made, cluster is now fully recovered. Lag will be resolved within minutes

Reverse Proxies Cleverapps load balancer instability

We are detecting a high number of errors on our reverse proxies towards cleverapps domains, we are investigating

EDIT: fixed

Sunday 12th November 2023

No incidents reported

Saturday 11th November 2023

No incidents reported

Friday 10th November 2023

Reverse Proxies SSL Handshake error on one of our Load Balancer

One of our load balancers randomly close connection during TLS handshake

EDIT 16h35: This issue has been fixed.

Thursday 9th November 2023

Addon API maintenance, scheduled 8 months ago

This maintenance is planned on our API, this maintenance will only impact the view of the add-ons and the creation of new one. Each already deployed add-ons will still be available.

This concern only Jenkins, ElasticSearch, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and Redis API.

For each kind of add-ons expect a downtime of 20 to 30 minutes.

The maintenance will start tonight November 9, 2023 at 21:00 UTC.

EDIT 2023-11-09 22:00 UTC+1: Maintenance is starting.

EDIT 2023-11-10 01:00 UTC+1: Maintenance is now completed.

Wednesday 8th November 2023

API APIs are experiencing issues

We are seeing issues with our APIs. We are investigating this.

Edit 2023-11-09 : we are keeping this incident open as the performance issues seem to have lowered but not vanished. There seems to be a seasonality with these issues, we are still searching why we have these surges in load.

Cellar [Cellar] random lag on Cellar connections

Customers have complained about slow request handling on Cellar for a few days. On random requests, Cellar might take up to a few seconds to send the first byte.

We are investigating this issue.