Thursday 25th May 2023

Access Logs Metrics: Ingestion issue leads to missing data points

We are currently having an ingestion issue on our metrics cluster. The root cause has been identified and we are currently working on a fix. Until this incident is fixed, metrics data points might be missing from your metrics dashboards. Access logs are also impacted but will be re-queued later.

EDIT 14:14 UTC: Metrics ingestion is now back to normal. Access logs are being re-queued and are currently lagging a bit.

EDIT 14:20 UTC: Access logs have been ingested and are now up-to-date. The incident is now over.

EDIT 16:25 UTC: The problem came back, we are working on it.

EDIT 16:56 UTC: The problem is now solved again. Another root cause has been identified and has been fixed.