Sunday 28th May 2023

Infrastructure [Montreal] Multiple hypervisors are unreachable

An hypervisor on the Montreal zone is unreachable. One of the FSBucket servers of the zone is hosted on it and is therefore unreachable too. This might impact PHP applications as well as any applications using an FSBucket hosted on this server.

We are awaiting information from our infrastructure provider regarding this incident.

EDIT 19:53 UTC: It seems like multiple servers are impacted at the same time, we believe it to be an issue with a specific OVH rack or room. Multiple services on the zone are thus impacted. We are looking at ways to mitigate the issues.

EDIT 20:05 UTC: The servers are reachable again since a few minutes. We are currently making sure everything is fine. OVH incident can be followed here:

EDIT 20:15 UTC: Servers in the impacted rack couldn't reach each other up until now. It could have prevented some services to correctly work. It seems like OVH fixed it before we could report it to them. We continue to making sure everything is working as expected.

EDIT 20:36 UTC: The incident is over. We are redeploying all the applications of the zone to be on the safe side.