Friday 20th October 2023

[PAR} Load balancer security maintenance, scheduled 6 months ago

For security reasons, we will migrate our public load balancers on the Paris (PAR) region including domains.

The maintenance will take place on Saturday 21 October 2023, between 14:00 UTC+2 and 20:00 UTC+2.

During the maintenance, applications and add-ons on this region will experience unexpected connection closed or reset, specifically on long running connections, beginning at 16:00 UTC+2. To prevent issues, you could restart your application if you see connection issues.

To check which of your services are impacted, you can consult the information section of your applications and see the region where your application is deployed.

14:15 UTC+2 : The maintenance will start soon, we are ending preparation steps 15:15 UTC+2: Preparation steps took more time than estimated, we are rolling some configuration update on dedicated load balancers 16:15 UTC+2: Update in rolling of dedicated load balancers is terminated, we are beginning the public shared load balancer. 17:15 UTC+2: We are udpating the domain name resolutions for public shared load balancer of addons 18:30 UTC+2: We have updated two of eights servers of public shared load balancer of addons. 19:00 UTC+2: We have updated four of eights servers of public shared load balancer of addons. 19:15 UTC+2: We have updated six of eights servers of public shared load balancer of addons. 19:15 UTC+2: We have updated seven of eights servers of public shared load balancer of addons. 19:50 UTC+2: We have updated all servers of public shared load balancer of addons. As it is late and we are reaching the end of the window, we will update last load balancers tomorrow afternoon