Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Sunday 28th April 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 27th April 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 26th April 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 25th April 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 24th April 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 23rd April 2019

Cellar Important error rates on Cellar

We are recording important error rates on Cellar between 500 and 503 errors.

EDIT 09:41 UTC: 503 errors are now gone but were replaced by 500 errors that get triggered after a few seconds. We are checking the cluster's state

EDIT 10:10 UTC: Error rate is decreasing but continue to be important. Deployments are also impacted by this issue if you are using build cache.

EDIT 10:27 UTC: Error rate is still at ~20% and continue to decrease.

EDIT 11:52 UTC: We did not receive any errors since 11:40 UTC, the cluster is now in good shape and everything should be back to normal.

This cellar cluster will soon be deprecated (new cellar add-ons are already created on an up-to-date cluster) in favor of a better and maintained version.

Monday 22nd April 2019

No incidents reported